
Dr. Allison Platt: A Doctor of Distinction

Dr. Allison Platt, Hands Up for Haiti’s president and a pediatrician in private practice, has been selected as an honoree by a panel of experts for the sixth annual Doctors of Distinction Awards in Westchester County. This award recognizes health care leaders for their outstanding dedication and commitment to medicine that impact our community each […]

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NJ Governor’s Awards recognize Dr. Mary Ann LoFrumento and HUFH

Congratulations to Dr. Mary Ann LoFrumento, HUFH co-founder and director of our global health program, for being awarded the NJ State Governor’s Jefferson Awards for Public Service in the Ambassador Category!

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Walking in Another’s Shoes-Understanding Why People Flee

What makes us care? What makes us want to help another person? What makes us want to make the world a better place? Is it empathy, compassion, or understanding? Is it learning the facts and educating oneself about the reality of another? In other words: walking a mile in another’s shoes. At Hands Up for […]

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Recap: HUFH’s Annual Gala in Honor of Dr. Jill Ratner!

Hands Up for Haiti (HUFH) is proud to have honored Dr. Jill Ratner, co-founder of HUFH and a devoted medical humanitarian.

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Haiti’s Clean Water Problem and What We are Doing to Fix It

There are so many health and medical-related challenges in Haiti that it is often hard to prioritize who and what to treat. While the problems are numerous, the funds needed to tackle them are lacking. Malnutrition, clean water, helping mothers and children severely lacking in basic medical care – these are just a few of […]

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Is It Enough to Save One Life? The Miracle of Hermano – The Heartbreak of Those We Reach Too Late

Returning to Haiti always fills me with mixed emotions. The opportunity to make a difference and positively impact the health and lives of individuals that have so few opportunities to access medical care is an exhilarating feeling for a doctor. The chance to reunite with old team mates, to see the experience through the eyes […]

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Judy McAvoy: In Loving Memory

The Hands Up for Haiti family is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Judy Rhineschmidt McAvoy, our dear friend and a founding member of HUFH. Judy served on the Hands Up for Haiti Board of Directors since its inception and was an active trip leader and program director. Judy was a registered nurse whose […]

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Worth the Wait: The Journey of the Ultrasound

A young woman lies on the examining table, anxious and unsure. She tested positive for pregnancy, but after being seen at a local clinic, she was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, a potentially life-threatening situation when an embryo implants in the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus. She sought help at Justinian University Hospital and […]

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Global Health Education: Leaving Something Behind and Taking Something Home

Children in orange and plaid school uniforms with hair neatly parted in matching bows shout “blanc, blanc,” and wave at our rickety van as we pass. Palm trees grow at the road side along with banana trees and rows of cactus bushes displaying that afternoon’s clean laundry. Locals push wheelbarrows full of coconuts or steer […]

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Haitian Teaching Haitian: Empowering Local Medical Professionals & Improving Health Care

Yesterday was a really wonderful day for Hands up for Haiti. It was a day that saw dreams, vision and hard work bear fruit and become reality on the ground. Yesterday, our Haitian staff taught the life-saving skills of Helping Babies Breathe to 24 Haitian nurse practitioner students, who will in turn teach these skills […]

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