
In Neighborhoods Decimated by Fire, HUFH Takes Action

HUFH in action, helping victims of the recent gas tanker explosion in Cap Haitien.

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Honoring the Memory of Dr. Hemant Kairam & HUFH’s Programs for Children

A Celebration of His Legacy of Caring and Compassion and Our Programs for Children.

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Earthquake 2021: HUFH’s Disaster Response

HUFH is on the ground, responding to the earthquake and other disasters.

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A Son of Haiti Speaks From Ground Zero After the Earthquake

When the latest disaster struck, I knew I was going down there to help. . .

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Well-Baby Care: THIS Is What Building A Better Future Looks Like

Calling All Babies! HUFH’s New Well-Baby Initiative is Hope in Action!

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Introducing HUFH’s Newest Collaboration: The Home Farming Project

Sometimes, a partnership opportunity comes along that is the exact right thing at the right time: a collaboration to address food insecurity, the root cause of malnutrition.

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Delivering Care During the Pandemic: Trust Overcomes Fear to Save a Toddler’s Life

As people are unable to travel and are fearful of being exposed to COVID, they often stay home and do not get the lifesaving care they need to combat other illnesses. One mother, however, bravely sought care from HUFH’s staff when her 18 month old baby girl became very ill.

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Keeping Ahead of the Curve: Tackling COVID-19 in Haiti

HUFH medical and lay volunteers are working together with our Haitian team to intensify our efforts to provide lifesaving care in the face of COVID-19. These efforts are more important than ever, given the ability of COVID to overwhelm Haiti’s already extremely limited medical resources.

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NO Child Should Die From Hunger

A storm is brewing in Haiti. Covid-19 is bringing widespread starvation, ravaging an already fragile population, especially the children. HUFH is there to help.

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Join us In Remembering Dr. Hemant Kairam- A Legacy of Caring and Compassion

The Hands Up for Haiti family was deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing late last year of our board member and dear friend, Dr. Hemant Kairam. Hemant, a true humanitarian and gifted pediatrician, was an integral part of Hands Up for Haiti since its inception and an inspiration to us all. He was deeply committed to both […]

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