
Journal Excerpt: Through the eyes of a volunteer (part 2)

Author: Jayant “Jay” Kairam While core medical skills, triaging and differential diagnosis are very translatable to my professional environment, where we must prioritize in service delivery and amongst finite resources. What needs to be addressed now? What can wait? What can subsist with basic service? Assess the problem and identify solutions. The right recommendations must […]

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HUFH Journal Excerpt: Through the eyes of a volunteer

Author: Jayant “Jay” Kairam “I found the daily visage of the cruise ship a too perfect analogy for the historic barriers the country continues to face. How can a place so close to so much wealth be so far away?” As the sole non-health professional on the team, I had to sort of explain my […]

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HUFH Partners with Haiti Village Health

Tiffany Keenan: Dr. Keenan worked with us to ensure that everything went smoothly.  Problems were addressed as a group and solutions proposed. Tiffany very much wants to continue working with Hands Up for Haiti on collaborative efforts to improve medical care in Cap Haitien and the surrounding communities. They will welcome future teams who wish […]

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